De-Motivation for this week.

This week's De-Motivational statement!

Enjoy - LOSING!

Sometimes I feel this way, especially when trying and trying and I still loose. I wonder if truly losing is my style? But there is some glimmering hope from time-to-time when I win. HAHAHAHA

Well, let me know if you find these funny... I will try to provide the humor weekly.

I found some at www.despair.com - so I want to give credit to those who deserve the credit.

But on occassion I may have insight or any other comments.


It's Been Awhile

Hello All,

It has been awhile - I have been hiding - no seriously, a new year is in full swing.

Good luck to all out there:

If you are reading this, then thank you - if not well then you should be reading this. LOL

I am trying to bring back simple things this year. As one resolution after another I am sure at this point has failed. However, if you have not failed as of yet, keep it up for 90 Days. After 90 days then it should become habit. So, I have been told. I have been on this resolution roller-coaster more than once. I try to stick to them, but to no avail.
Well my friends keep it up. If you need motivation then you have come to the wrong site, but I can only offer up words of help. I am right there with you in the struggle of a New Year resolution.

If you find any words of encouragements please submit them. I will try and find some motivational sayings.

Cheers and good luck...