BREAST MILK ICE CREAM  coined "Baby Gaga"     

      Welcome back peeps, I am writing this time with another oddity of around the world. I have been off the grid for a short time. I found this little nugget of a story and thoought to share it with my readers.

Come here for the odd stories....

Breast milk ice cream was back on the menu at a London parlor Wednesday after council officials confirmed it is safe for human consumption.

They stated "BACK" on the menu, I take it was once on the menu and then taken off for testing?

Ok... Onto the full story as I have collected from various sources. Enjoy the crazy read:

    The ice cream, dubbed Baby Gaga by maker Icecreamists, was confiscated by Westminster council and sent for laboratory tests after two members of the public complained that it could contain hepatitis viruses.

Richard Block, of Westminster council, told the London Evening Standard newspaper, "We have now received confirmation from the lab that the product did not contain any harmful bacteria or viruses. Our investigation into the safety of the product is now over."

However, Icecreamists founder Matt O'Connor, 44, said he was considering suing the council over the bad publicity the ban brought the product -- which is made from donated breast milk combined with vanilla pods and lemon zest.

"Breast milk is not dangerous and Westminster council confiscated our product in the full knowledge that we had done all the proper tests," he said."We are considering taking legal action because this has damaged our reputation."  "They should have waited until they got the tests back before saying our product could have been a risk to the public," he added.

The ice cream has caused controversy on both sides of the Atlantic since its launch last month, with US pop star Lady Gaga last week beginning legal proceedings against the makers. The singer described the product as "nausea-inducing" and said it "intended to take advantage of [her] reputation and goodwill." Lady Gaga reportedly asked Icecreamists to change the flavour's name so it could not be linked to her image or name.

But the parlour's founder, Matt O'Connor was outraged at the suggestion he had "ridden on the coattails" of Lady Gaga.

"A global superstar has taken umbrage at what she describes as a 'nausea-inducing' product. This from a woman with a penchant for wearing rotting cows' flesh. At least our customers are still alive when they contribute to our 'art,'" Mr O'Connor said.

"How can she possibly claim ownership of the word 'gaga,' which since the dawn of time has been one of the first discernible phrases to come from a baby's mouth?"

But the US diva's condemnation of the product came after the local Westminster City Council had already confiscated Baby Gaga from the store's shelves over fears it could pose a health risk.

Mr O'Connor denied the ice-cream was dangerous and claimed he took "every possible precaution" when preparing it.