GHOST SHIP with Cannibal Rats!


forgot artist name - sorry

I am not sure if you have heard but yes, a ghost ship with Cannibal Rats aboard is sailing towards Great Britain. If you do not know don't worry baby birds, I will feed you. The Lyubov Orlova is abandoned, no humans aboard, adrift in the Atlantic. Aimlessly this ship is propelled by the currents. The Lyubov Orlova was built for the Far East Shipping Company back in 1976 as a 4,200 ton cruise ship. It was made in Yugoslavia, it purpose, to cruise the cold regions of the world. She normally sailed the Artic and Antartic. In Sept. 2010, she was seized by Canadian authorities at St John's Newfoundland due to debts totaling $251,000 US. So there she sat. 

Lyubov Orlova derelict dockside in St. John's, 2012

Now you CAN blame Canada.

In 2012, she was sold for scraps. Initial destination, the Dominican Republic. After one day of being towed from the dock, the tow line snapped. And she began her first unguided float. The Tug boat unsuccessfully tried to reattach the line. Waves and storm conditions forced them to abandon their attempt. 

At this time the Lyubov Orlova was slowly drifting eastward off the southeastern end of the Avalon Peninsula in Canada. An offshore supply vessel named the Atlantic Hawk was task to regain control of the drifting ship. The Atlantic Hawk gained control of the ship and pulled her out to international waters to avoid being a risk to the oil and gas operations in the region. Once in international waters the Transport Dept. of Canada decided to cut her loose. They claimed safety reasons why they cut the ship loose. 

Referring to the Rats, Canada's National Post explained that the vessel pretty much sat on it's fat metal butt in the dock for over two years. This "virtually guaranteeing" that the ship is infested with hundreds these little bastards. And since there's no food aboard, the rats likely turned on each other. 

Transport Canada stated that the owner of the vessel is in charge of her movements. And that they should also take responsibility for tracking of the ship. 

Now this diseased cannibal rat-infested cruise liner is heading straight for Great Britain. The Prime Minister of Great Britain is not too worried. When asked if he was going to dispatch the Royal Navy to intercept the "ghost ship" he replied, "It sounds like we have a start of a B-rated movie script!" 

Canada's Prime Minister stated to Great Britain and the world, "Soory 'boot that, eh hosiers".